Team Enrichment

Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprung up." How true it is! The trick, though, is finding ways to inspire collaboration and keeping teams motivated to perform at their very best. We call this approach to creating a highly functioning work environment—team enrichment.
Team enrichment takes two forms. The first is a proactive approach where teams are taken to the next high-performing level of collaboration. Or the second, where signs of neglect are present such as poor morale, negative work environment, decreased productivity and performance, and unnecessary personnel issues. In either case, what can be done?
At Tsirigo’s Orbit, we believe the building blocks for team enrichment are: down-to-earth communication, a sense of commitment and trust, and a culture of collaboration. The challenge for the entrepreneur is finding the time to devote to these skills while focusing on the core demands of the business.
Here are some of our approaches to the subject:
Appreciative Inquiry. One way of regrouping to solidify your team is through a proven team-building approach called Appreciative Inquiry (AI). This powerful approach of creating dynamic change in the workplace is designed with teams in mind.
In essence, AI builds from a position of strength which includes all team members. Together they are guided on how to re-create a future shaped by an energized passion and commitment to the mission and values of the organization. AI retreats are customized for each client and, at minimum, require a one-day commitment.
Building trust through Koinonia. This classical Greek word basically means, “a spirit of working together.” This is a back to basics seminar focused on the ultimate goal of trust that leads to collaboration. This seminar is based on a rich set of training materials that brings team members together in conversation on the subject of building a high-trust atmosphere. This is based on proven research from the Thin Book Publishing Company and takes the subject of collaboration to a new level.
Powerful Communication. This is a home-grown model bringing together the 360-model of communications, active listening, and positive language. Depending upon need, each segment can be facilitated independently. Within this training group is Powerful Presentations, a half- or full-day seminar where participants master their presentation skills. This course can be designed for beginners to advanced speakers.
Our dynamic team offers a variety of on-site team enrichment seminars, webinars and facilitated retreats.