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Getting in the Slow, And Stress Free, Lane

Posted by on July 12, 2010 at 9:15 am.

Blog - StressIf job stress is wearing you down and you want more leisure time, but you can’t—or don’t want to—quit altogether, it can be easy to feel stuck. But there’s an alternative to consider: a voluntary demotion. Plenty of professionals dream of scaling back on their workload or ceding management responsibility, here’s how to do it:

• Adjust your thinking. Start out by re-evaluating your goals and how you measure yourself. A successful career doesn’t have to include a 60-hour-a-week beeline to the top, says Joel Mausner, a business psychologist at Workplace Psychology, a consulting firm in New York. He recommends first considering how you want to live your work and home lives. Research routes to advancement within your company or industry that will satisfy the personal need you have, be it family time, less travel or the pursuit of a hobby. “The harder part is being able to accept the idea that you’re limiting your ambitions,” Mr. Mausner says.

• Boss less. If you’re a manager, downscaling could mean applying your skills to a position that doesn’t involve overseeing employees. “Not everybody is cut out to be a manager,” says Lynne Eisaguirre, an employment attorney and consultant from Denver. She has seen many talented technical employees promoted into management jobs that didn’t suit them. Some return to their old jobs or make a lateral move. If you have proven yourself and provide something valuable to the firm, asking for a downward move or a move to a role with fewer direct reports won’t be viewed as negatively.

• Be upfront. Whatever you decide you want to do, it’s important to communicate your intentions to show that you’re still committed to the job and company. Explain the positions at the firm that you see as a good fit and have a frank discussion about why you want to make a downward move. “Play to your strengths and how [the move would] better benefit the company,” says Ms. Eisaguirre.

• Prepare your finances. Take the time to plan financially before making changes that impact your salary, recommends Lewis J. Altfest, a financial planner in New York. Adjust your expenses and budget to the expected new income level before you make a move and save as much money as you can for a cushion.

If you’re scaling back on work because you’re nearing retirement, hold off on drawing Social Security or pension benefits for as long as possible, Mr. Altfest advises. “If it’s not a hardship, use your nonretirement savings and what earning you make to live on. That way you get the most from your investments and it’s a hedge against long life,” he says.

• Think ahead. If you do change your mind later, taking a step down isn’t something you can’t overcome. You can spin it positively when applying for jobs both internally and externally, says Ms. Eisaguirre. The key is to prepare a strong story about why you moved sideways or down in your firm, and why you’re now ready to get back on track. “Tell them what has changed,” she suggests.

Source: WSJ.com

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