A whole new line of work…”Many big corporations are already tracking their yearly greenhouse gas emissions, and more are expected to follow once Congress approves a climate change bill. Those who specialize in emissions accounting are likely to see a spike in business”, according to Market Place.
Tag Archives: Weblog
Link Farm – Multimedia (Shark Tank)
“Money has no soul…it doesn’t care”.  Take a look at Shark Tank, a reality tv show from ABC where aspiring entrepreneurs have to prove their stuff to a panel of self made investors. A few kernels of wisdom and inspiration lie within…
Staying Positive in Negative Territory
A nice reminder going into the weekend about the power of positive thinking! Happiness Amid the Wreckage.
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L’Azienda Familiare – Prendendo Via I Perks
“Le aziende stanno tagliando i benefici accessori a sinistra e a destra.  Ma e’ piu’ difficile perdere la macchina aziendale oppure la generosa spartizione di quest’ultimi, quando vostro papa’ oppure vostra sorella prende il via, ” scrive Jillian Mincer in un recente articolo di Wall Street Journal.   I PMI in America, la maggior parte dei […]
Link Farm
Paparazzo Stalks Berlusconi Berlusconi Hosts G-8 at Difficult Time Tutti Nudi al Lavoro Per Un Giorno Dumbest Moments in Business 2009
Intervista – Mirella Una Mental Trainer
In the introduction to her book, Daydreaming About Tea, Mirella M. P. Grillo writes, “A Chinese wise man says: ‘we drink tea to forget the noise of the world.’ In fact, there is no other drink, in nature, holding so many different properties. Tea sharpens and calms, cold or hot it is equally nice, available […]
Intervista – Patrizia di Corpus
This 2nd installment of Women @ Work features Patrizia Cecchini the owner of Corpus. This is an energetic wellness and fitness center located in Perugia offering all different types of workouts including yoga. After a great workout, Corpus also offers lunch and a variety of healthy beverages. DA QUANTI ANNI GESTISCI CORPUS? >My husband and […]
Link Farm – Multimedia
SAPETE PERCHE GLI OCCHIALI DOLCE & GABBANA COSTANO COSI TANTO????? (In these tough times a little humor is needed…Divertitevi!)
Link Farm – Multimedia (MTV: Il Testimone)
Mentre facevo “lo zappingâ€Â ho cercato un programma su MTV Italia che ha catturato la mia attenzione: “Il Testimone” con il presentatore Pierfrancesco Diliberto (Pif). Ho notato che questo programma ha qualcosa di nuovo e di molto interessante in quanto Pif “si propone, tralasciando i grandi fatti di cronaca e le prime pagine dei giornali, […]