Being the first, the best, or the only one doing something (and in a way meaningful and relevant to your customers) is a strategy your company can use to stand out from your competition. Something that is relevant to all your customers is how they compensate you for your products or services. Adding a spin […]
Tag Archives: Marketing Profs
You Stupid Donkey!
Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has built a reality-television empire with his abrasive style, ready arsenal of barbed insults and propensity for four-letter words. It all adds up to great television. But in the case of Kitchen Nightmares, which focuses on Ramsay’s attempts to save failing restaurants, the entertainment is also packed with entrepreneurial insight. “I […]
Thanksgiving is normally quite a busy time for travelers. I don’t know about you but things like baggage fees and energy surcharges on restaurant bills really seem to annoy me. Often times I wonder why these folks don’t just adjust their prices in order to avoid further “duck nibbling” customers. The following blog further amplifies […]
No Escapin’ This
Ask 100 people for their opinion of social-media tools like Twitter and you’ll likely get 100 different responses—ranging from extreme enthusiasm to extreme derision. However you feel about social media, here is one simple fact: Even if you’re a naysayer who considers these tools inane and a waste of time, a large number of your […]
Don’t Rev the Search Engines Yet
As more and more customers use the Internet to research purchases, you might assume that any online marketing strategy requires a significant level of search engine optimization (SEO). But if your target market is local, argues Kenton Newby in an article at MarketingProfs, that assumption may not necessarily apply. “[A]lthough SEO has proven to be […]
A Fine Mess Caused by the Fine Print
“I was going to hire a company today to do something fairly simple that would have cost [an advertised] $45,” begins a post at the Service Untitled blog. But there was a catch. “I called them to schedule an appointment and was told there was [an] $85 minimum service charge. The fact that I was […]
Linked Out
Not long ago, Elaine Fogel used a post at the MarketingProfs Daily Fix Blog. blog to discuss her case of “Social Media Rejection Syndrome.” It all began when someone not only rejected her LinkedIn invitation but also sent a note explaining why: “I only make connections with people I’ve met personally or have worked with, […]
Peripheral Vision
If we were to ask you to describe your competition, you’d probably talk about companies that do exactly what you do. The owner of an Indian restaurant will discuss other Indian restaurants, for instance, while a florist will focus on rival flower shops. That approach is completely understandable—they are, after all, direct competitors. But if […]
What I'm trying to say is…
“If you think your website content isn’t working for you,” says Rick Sloboda of Webcopyplus, “you’re probably right. And the realization that you need something better is a step in the right direction. But what’s the next step?” He recommends a brainstorming process that wipes the slate clean with two fundamental questions: What content will […]