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Tag Archives: imprenditori
Calling all Female Entrepreneurs: Boosting visibility for businesswomen
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Le Aziende Grandi in America Stanno Accumulando Un Sacco di Soldi: Avaro o Saggio?
IL CANE DI FERRO STA GUARDANDO… Le aziende, non finanziarie, nell’ indice di Standard & Poors 500 (S&P) hanno accumulato un record di $837 milliardi durante il primo trimestre del 2010. La questione qual’e’ “con una cifra cosi’ enorme perche’ queste ditte non investono I loro soldi oppure non assumono piu’ lavoratori?â€. Infatti, secondo S&P […]
Buona Pasqua!
La Squadra di Tsirigo’s Orbit vi augura una Buona Pasqua!
The ‘New Math’ for Creative Marketing
In the January edition of BtoB “Optimism, Accountability & Social Media” reign as the top trends for 2010. Some of the ideas outlined in the article weren’t suprising. There were some gems, though, that connect the marketing dots with this economic downturn. Here are a few that caught my attention: Using Social Media to galvanize the […]
Get Your Biz Noticed Online
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Three Best Ways to Win a New Client
Many small businesses ring in the new year by taking a fresh approach to winning new clients. Whether you plan to reinvent your company or just attract an untapped demographic, there are a few ways to achieve your goals. First, you must identify your ideal customer. “Do you know your target?” says Tom Patty, a […]
Why You Make Bad Decisions
Couple of years ago, I was a member of a conquering horde that overran another company. Or so I thought. In reality, it was the other firm that had in fact taken us over. I found this out in the simplest way possible: Every single one of my friends was heaved out the door. The […]
Small Business Economic Indicators
When you’re a small-business owner, issues like whether you can afford to give your assistant manager a raise or whether your dinner bread will be delivered on time loom larger than the trade deficit and crop results. Yet, the nation’s employment outlook factors into your hiring decisions and the truck that delivers your bread runs […]