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Tag Archives: Fondazione Bellisario

Addio Economia del "Macho"

Addio economia del “macho” la Borsa e’ in mano alle donne

Intervista – Mirella Una Mental Trainer

In the introduction to her book, Daydreaming About Tea, Mirella M. P. Grillo writes, “A Chinese wise man says: ‘we drink tea to forget the noise of the world.’  In fact, there is no other drink, in nature, holding so many different properties.  Tea sharpens and calms, cold or hot it is equally nice, available […]

Intervista – Patrizia di Corpus

This 2nd installment of Women @ Work features Patrizia Cecchini the owner of Corpus. This is an energetic wellness and fitness center located in Perugia offering all different types of workouts including yoga.  After a great workout, Corpus also offers lunch and a variety of healthy beverages. DA QUANTI ANNI GESTISCI CORPUS? >My husband and […]

Building Your Business Wings

Qualche volta devi solo saltare e iniziare a costruire le tue ali durante il tuo volo!”  Questa saggezza di Kobi Yamada mi ricorda il coraggio che deve avere una donna imprenditrice a stendere le sue ali mentre e’ in volo.  Dopo quasi una decade nel mondo degli affari, combinata con il mio cinquantesimo anno, il […]

Nasty or Nurture?

This title sums up Monday’s New York Times article by Mickey Meese called A Workplace Civil War: Women Bullying Women.  Her article talks about the increased stress levels in the workplace due to the economic downtown.  As a result of this stress, studies from the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) have found that there is an […]

Intervista – Emelita di Bijoux Nassi

La nostra prima intervista della serie “Women @ Work” e’ con Emelita Nassi. Si tratta di una imprenditrice di Perugia (Italia) che ha imparato l’arte della vendita nel competitivo settore dei gioielli. Emelita e’ proprietaria di “Bijoux Nassi” a Perugia da 17 anni. Questa lunga esperienza dimostra la sua abilita’ di creare un rapporto duraturo […]

Building Your Business Wings

“Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down.” This wisdom came from Kobi Yamada and reminds me of the courage it takes to spread your wings and fly as a woman entrepreneur. After almost a decade in business, combined with turning 50, my reflection button is pushed […]