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Tag Archives: Blog
The ‘New Math’ for Creative Marketing
In the January edition of BtoB “Optimism, Accountability & Social Media” reign as the top trends for 2010. Some of the ideas outlined in the article weren’t suprising. There were some gems, though, that connect the marketing dots with this economic downturn. Here are a few that caught my attention: Using Social Media to galvanize the […]
Don’t Rev the Search Engines Yet
As more and more customers use the Internet to research purchases, you might assume that any online marketing strategy requires a significant level of search engine optimization (SEO). But if your target market is local, argues Kenton Newby in an article at MarketingProfs, that assumption may not necessarily apply. “[A]lthough SEO has proven to be […]
Tremonti contro La Marcegaglia: Un Ritorno al Passato?
L’affermazione di Giuliano Tremonti l’altro giorno : <<La mobilita’ non e’ un valore, il posto fisso e’ la base per progetti di vita>>  ha creato uno scompiglio. Da Confindustria, in particolare, Marcegaglia non ha sprecato alcun tempo con questa risposta, <<E’ un ritorno al passato non possibile, che peraltro in questo Paese ha creato problemi>>. […]
Una Critica – Film di Michael Moore… Capitalismo, una storia d’amore
Ho deciso, oggi, di andare a vedere l’ultimo film di Michael Moore intitolato:â€Capitalismo, una storia d’amoreâ€. Moore e’ famoso per i documentari come “Bowling for Columbine, Farenheit 9/11â€,(vincitore del premio Oscar) e “Sickoâ€. Questa volta Moore, nel suo stile unico di umorisimo all’ indignazione, prende il concetto di capitalismo. Come sempre lui non e’ timido […]
Fighting Economic Slump with Pro Bono Work
“Just as many laid-off workers are volunteering more to fill up their free time and enhance their resumes, small-business owners and their employees are doing more pro bono services or volunteer work as marketing and customer-relations strategy”, according to a recent Wall Street Journal article. “For a small business that has lost clients or seen […]
Elder Entrepreneurs
“Media buzz usually spotlights 20-something Ivy League grads who start the hottest new tech companies and social networks. But the average tech-company founder is 39 and entrepreneurs over 50 surpass the younger generation two-to-one.” Check out this recent story from Marketplace.
Carbon Accounting
A whole new line of work…”Many big corporations are already tracking their yearly greenhouse gas emissions, and more are expected to follow once Congress approves a climate change bill. Those who specialize in emissions accounting are likely to see a spike in business”, according to Market Place.
Link Farm – Multimedia (Shark Tank)
“Money has no soul…it doesn’t care”.  Take a look at Shark Tank, a reality tv show from ABC where aspiring entrepreneurs have to prove their stuff to a panel of self made investors. A few kernels of wisdom and inspiration lie within…
Link Farm – Multimedia (The Father of Invention)
An interesting piece from Nightline this past Friday night August 7th. The Father of Invention