Durante il Fantasio Festival 2009, svoltosi venerdi’ scorso a Perugia, c’e’ stata un’iniziativa sulla creativita’ e l’auto-imprenditorialita’ giovanili. Questo evento intitolato “Your Potential” dava l’opportunita’ a circa 400 ragazzi delle scuole superiori di sfidare 5 noti imprenditori umbri. Il tutto si svolgeva come un talk show, e i ragazzi erano molto partecipi e coinvolti. La […]
Tag Archives: Weblog
Fiat Controls Chrysler. What a Change!
Recenty I was speaking in front of a group of accountants, managers, and entrepreneurs in Sardinia. The topic of my discussion was “Change”. During the presentation I used Fiat as an example of change, how with the new 500 has developed from 50 years ago to 2008. I would have never guessed that in 2009 […]