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Link Farm

Companies Hire as They Fire La Classifica di Playboy – La Manager Piu’ Sexy America’s Most Overpriced Cities How Google Earth Explains Financial Crisis Pursuing Customers of Fallen Rivals

Si puo' mettere Low Cost e Qualita' nella stessa frase?

Alitalia tenta la via del cost. Probabilmente hanno scelto questa strategia per rimanere competitivi con le altre linee. La crisi sta dando molto stress ad ogni azienda. I clienti stanno spendendo meno e ad un certo punto un proprietario, pur di sopravvivere, decide di abbassare i prezzi. La classica sfida e’ sapere se si puo’, […]

Building Your Business Wings

“Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down.” This wisdom came from Kobi Yamada and reminds me of the courage it takes to spread your wings and fly as a woman entrepreneur. After almost a decade in business, combined with turning 50, my reflection button is pushed […]

Link Farm

Negotiating the Freelance Economy Expat Exotica The Curse of the Class of 2009 Older Workers Returning to Workforce Starting Over as an Entrepreneur

A New Word Every 98 Minutes

This past Saturday’s La Repubblica in the R2 section had a fascinating story about how frequently new words are created in a vocabulary, with English leading the way with 999.5 million words a year or one every 98 minutes. The Italian language was equally innovative with 300,000 annual additions. Last year, along with our partners […]

Giovani Imprenditori Under 30

“E’ veramente difficile trovare giovani sotto i 30 anni che decidono di mettere su un’impresa senza avere alle spalle una famiglia di imprenditori che in qualche modo li finanzia o cede loro alcuni asset per partire” spiega Paolo Gubbita docente universitario di Padova.  In un articolo dalla Repubblica, Francesco Jori scrive che nel 2008 c’erano […]

Link Farm

Entrepreneurs Cut Pay to Stay Alive Personal Recession Rescue Plan Influential Entrepreneurs Fiat’s Marchione Faces Hurdles Gen Y Gets Working The Very Bad Boss

Business Lessons from the Swine Flu

The onset of swine flu has shrunk the global landscape at a frightening pace. Yet stepping out of the health scare shadow entrepreneurs have a chance to learn from this experience. Here are two business 101’s: 1) Communication is central. According to the World Health Organization, “Epidemics and pandemics can place sudden and intense demands […]

Is Success Really Just Luck?

The financial crisis has created a tremendous amount of angst this year over the compensation of Wall Street titans. Main Street and Wall Street have been creating juicy rationalizations over what sum of money is considered excessive or sufficient. Emotions escalated to the point in France where workers actually took their boss hostage. Many people […]

Novita' – Link Farm

Ogni tanto, su “Link Farm” del blog, verrano aggiornati vari links che crediamo siano molto interressanti e utili. Per la maggior parte saranno in inglese tratti dai siti americani. Come al solito sono graditi i tuoi commenti e le tue opinioni al riguardo. Recession Isn’t  Yet the Worst Are Americans Just Kidding Themselves? The Sales […]