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Tag Archives: Business Blogs

Mr. Ubiquitous

Here’s an interesting story about “how a novelty importer with a magic touch aims to get his next product into every closet in America.”   Check it out.

Lessons in the Art of the Meal

“The business meal can be the most perilous item on the menu for executives trying to sign a new client or land a new job.  If you spoon your soup in the incorrect direction or use  the wrong piece of silverware, those you are trying to impress may stick a fork in your plans”,  writes  […]

Competitività: Svizzera prima Italia 48esima (dopo la Tunisia)

“Svizzera prima. Italia solo 48esima, superata pure dalla Tunisia. Nella classifica del World Economic Forum, ” scriveva ieri in  Il Sole 24.   Che ne pensi di questo rapporto? E’ la classifica una sorpresa?

Elder Entrepreneurs

“Media buzz usually spotlights 20-something Ivy League grads who start the hottest new tech companies and social networks. But the average tech-company founder is 39 and entrepreneurs over 50 surpass the younger generation two-to-one.”  Check out this recent story from Marketplace.

Carbon Accounting

A whole new line of work…”Many big corporations are already tracking their yearly greenhouse gas emissions, and more are expected to follow once Congress approves a climate change bill. Those who specialize in emissions accounting are likely to see a spike in business”, according to Market Place.

Link Farm – Multimedia (The Father of Invention)

An interesting piece from Nightline this past Friday night August 7th. The Father of Invention

Staying Positive in Negative Territory

A nice reminder going into the weekend about the power of  positive thinking! Happiness Amid the Wreckage.

Addio Economia del "Macho"

Addio economia del “macho” la Borsa e’ in mano alle donne